Sewing in a weave is a popular technique used to add length, volume, and style to your natural hair. It involves sewing in hair extensions onto your braided natural hair. In this article, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of how to sew in weave.
Preparing Your Hair
Before you start, make sure your hair is clean, moisturized, and detangled. You may want to deep condition your hair a few days before to ensure it’s in good condition. Then, part your hair into small sections and braid them tightly. Leave the perimeter of your hair unbraided as this will be used to create a natural-looking part.
Q: How long should I leave my braids in before sewing in the weave?
A: Your braids should be left in for at least a day or two to ensure they are tight and secure.
Choosing Your Weave
Select the type of hair that matches your natural hair texture and color. You can choose from synthetic or human hair weaves. Human hair weaves are more expensive but tend to look more natural and last longer.
Q: Can I dye my weave to match my natural hair color?
A: Yes, you can dye human hair weaves to match your natural hair color. However, it’s best to seek professional help to avoid damaging the weave.
Sewing in the Weave
Start by threading your needle with a strong thread and tying a knot at the end. Then, begin sewing in the weave by looping the thread through the braids and the weft of the weave. Make sure to sew in a straight line and avoid pulling the thread too tightly.
Q: How many bundles of hair do I need for a full sew-in?
A: It depends on the desired fullness and length. Typically, two to three bundles of hair are sufficient for a full sew-in.
Finishing Touches
Once you have sewn in the weave, trim any excess thread and style your hair as desired. You can use a flat iron or curling iron to create different styles. In conclusion, sewing in a weave is a great way to change up your hairstyle and add some volume and length. By following these simple steps, you can achieve a flawless sew-in weave that looks natural and beautiful.
Q: How long can I keep my sew-in weave in?
A: It’s recommended to keep your sew-in for no more than six to eight weeks to avoid damaging your natural hair.